Saturday, March 27, 2010

This is tedious......

I'm trying to correct all the grammar and puncutation mistakes of my screenplay. When I say or type "my screenplay" I feel like a douche. Please keep in mind that I don't feel like I'm the best thing since sliced bread because of what I've written. I don't think I'm the best and I feel like it's not the best. It's a first.
Anyway, I'm on page 16 of 100 pages of corrections. Gross. I don't want it to feel like homework because I set a deadline. I want to get this done.

By the way, Kevin Smith was amazing.....again.


LINDA said...

I did some proofreading and editing when I worked at a publishing company. I agree it is a tedious task, but at least I was getting paid. I hope big things happen with your screenplay so you can reap some benefits for all of your hard work!

Annie Hendricks said...

Thanks! It would be awesome if something did happen, but I can't get my hopes up. I was thinking about a job in editing, but it's too tedious.

Eric said...

Proofreading is mighty boring. I think that you entering contests is very exciting and an excellent idea. I wouldn't worry too much about them though. We always have the fallback of shooting a $500 version of your movie. People respect indie street cred.

ModemMama said...

I think that's great! You're doing it. How many people always spend their lives saying 'One day I'm gonna....' You DO it! How cool is that!