Monday, March 29, 2010


I finished editing my script! It's now 104 pages long and that's plenty long for me. Maybe I will add more to it later, but for now, I think it's pretty good. I'm happy Eric doesn't mind sitting around all day, both on our laptops typing away. I think it's our favorite past time.
I also mailed in my tax stuff today, but it won't be here in time to help with entry fees. I have enough in the bank to afford at least two fees. I'm not saying all I have in the bank is a 100 bones, just 100 dollars worth of extra spending money after bills and such.
Now, I just need to send it away for the copyright. Since I have the best boyfriend in the world, he's looking up how to do that tonight. We might be able to do it electronically. I believe there's also a fee for that. That's why I have credit cards!! All college students are in debt.
If I put as much time in my school work as I have on this screenplay I would have a 4.0. I think have like a 3.3 (math classes) which is fine with me.
By the way the title is The Jawbreaker Story.

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