Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Haha, just kidding.
I was just trying to get your attention. Sorry to all those stoners who googled "pot brownie recipe", this is just a blog. An awesome blog.
Moving on. Finals are all over! The math final was today at 8 .a.m (gross). I think I did pretty decent on it. I understood everything on it and answered every question. I turned in my English 310 portfolio which is actually due tomorrow. My Visual Culture paper is due May 1st. The paper is about drag queens! I already finished it. Awesome.

I'm still trying to finish my script. I haven't had enough time to really finish it. I mean the thing is finished, but there's plenty of grammar errors yet to be fixed. I wanted it done by the end of April, but that won't happen. I checked the dates of the contests and I have until June1st for both to still pay $50. My Wednesday nights will be free now, so I 'll have time.

I'm registered for one spring class. I just can't do anymore. Spring and summer classes just don't side like fun. Fall classes are all set too. So far, I'm only taking four classes. Five classes might be too much for me. I want to do more but, I'm worried about the homework load. I have one class on Mondays and Wednesdays and three on Tuesdays and Thursday. Those will be long days starting at 9:55 a.m.to 2:20 p.m. then work from 4-10. A Wednesday night class wouldn't be too bad, since it would only be once a week.

I'm so excited for my intro to screen studies class!

Before the spring class begins, my family and I will be traveling to Atlants Georgia. I'm not to psyched about.

For all those stoners who actually read my blog, here's a link to a  pot brownie recipe. Found it through google, never made them before.

1 comment:

ModemMama said...

Dang you had me on the title......